when it comes to slow reading, i take the cake. it took me about 7 months to finish the Deathnote series. it's not that i read it everyday. i had dry spells where i wouldn't read at all. but all in all, it took me 7 months from the time i opened to the first page in volume 1 to the time i closed the last page in volume 12. this was my first manga series, where i read the whole thing. i have to say, anime just goes by a lot faster, esp. at my reading speed. and i do enjoy animation that comes to life. so i would probably stick to anime if i had the choice. so my final thoughts:
it's a good story. i enjoy cerebral stories. i enjoyed the plot, the twist after twist. you just never knew when each plan would be thwarted by a better one. i enjoy the moral diatribes that the main characters would give. i enjoyed the artwork alot. i enjoyed the characters, esp. L, who they killed off rather early. i enjoyed Light, up until they killed him off. the thing i didn't like, was the ending. frankly, if you knew Light's character at all, he wouldn't grovel like a coward at the end. he wouldn't fear death like he did at the end. he would have a plan, a better plan. or he would die with dignity, because after all, he's Kira, he's the god of the new world. if i were to write the ending, he would be able to write Near's entire name in the Deathnote just before the SPK gunned him down in an effort to stop him. ultimately, both Light and Near would die. the two heros would die simultaneously. both would have won, both would have lost. my other alternative ending would have Light write his own name in the Deathnote, because he would rather die with dignity at his own hands, than be taken to prison, or live in the shame that he failed as Kira.
all in all, it was a great story. manga is cool but a bit too slow for me.