nibblet has come down with some serious diarrhea. starting at 6pm last night, her poop became increasingly more and more liquid. at 3 am, i woke up to her running crazily around the house, and i knew she either had to poop or pee. i went to the living room area and there she was, delivering poop all over the floor. poor thing. at 5am sharp, once again, found her delivering liquid poop. by 7am, i had learned the pattern. i felt her jump off of the mattress and ran after her and led her outside where she delivered fecal hell to the grass. again, 9am sharp, i was able to get her outside in time. i was worried. she has G-I problems but this was excessive. i couldn't figure out if she ate something bad at the park, caught something from another pooch, if it was the string cheese i gave her days ago, if she had a stomach flu, or what. so i called an emergency pet clinic and other local vets and consulted with whomever picked up the phone. i decided to bring her in, knowing the vets would tell me what i was already reading online about dog diarrhea. i took the first appointment. i consulted with my dog-sitter, who told me nibblet had ingested 2 tampons this past weekend! good god! i was horrified! i did tell the vet about the pons and he didn't even really react.
of course the vet sent us home after 2 hours with every medication off the shelf accompanied by a bill that was my economic stimulus check, no real answers, and advice that i had read online as well a follow-up appt. the fecal test results would be in tomorrow so we still didn't know if it was something more serious. poor sick puppy. so i went to the market afterwards to get some chicken to cook rice with for her 'bland meal' and cheese to wrap her antibiotics with. it was hot in the car and she looked like she wasn't going to make it. we had to make trips to several places and the a/c vent just didn't go down low enough to blast on her. coupled with her probable dehydration from diarrhea, i felt god-awful.
but we made it home. she enjoyed her home cooked chicken and rice meal, with rice bits all over her whiskers, face and paws. so cute. she took her medicine, without objection. she slept while i managed to go into work for 4 hours. let's hope my dogs-sitter comes back with lovely memorial day stories about nibblet's poop being rock hard.
awww poor niblet! i hope she has a speedy recovery!
poor nibs. sounds pretty sad. hope she feels betters.
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