i looked everywhere, on dozens of websites, to see where they could possibly use my help. all i found were "donations wanted" banners. how about hands-on help? from red cross to peace corps to mercy corps to doctors without borders to orbis int'l to feed the children, they all said it was either too soon to go to the epicenter or you had to find employment or donations wanted.
free help right here. up for grabs. time to give back to my people who need me. who ever thought people don't want something completely free? it just boggles my mind.

well, this blog post was pretty helpful for those who are continuing to look for ways to help those poor people.
Chinese Earthquake: How to help
1 comment:
Thanks for referring to our blog post... I agree that volunteer efforts IN China are hard to find. Wait a few weeks, and I bet NGOs will start organizing trips. Right now it's still in disaster recovery mode, where trained personnel are the most necessary.
If you've still got that itch to do good, consider volunteering right here in the US of A doing rebuilding work in New Orleans! The need is still great. Some options:
Rebuilding Together: New Orleans
Rebuilding St. Bernard's Parish
Habitat for Humanity New Orleans
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