Monday, June 2, 2008

there goes.

some reasons not to have kids:

there goes sleeping in on a sunday afternoon.
there goes picking up and leaving for a trip anywhere just cus we feel like it.
there goes spending my savings on a nice vacation, computer, car or gadget.
there goes not having to wake up at 5am to pack lunch and drive the kids to school.
there goes making sure the kids are asleep before i can rest my weary head.
there goes eating whatever the hell we feel like, whenever the hell we like, especially when it's not healthy food.
there goes all the money from my college savings into the kids' college fund.
there goes staying out late and not having to worry about the kids.
there goes romantic dates and weekends with my husband.
there goes my unruined pre-pregnant perfect body--not! this would not be affected with having kids, sadly.

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