i want to marry edward. i want to have a vampire boyfriend who rescues me from everything, who carries me atop trees on his back, who tells me he's been waiting his whole life for me, literally. i don't even care if he bites me. :)
trying again
for that ten out of ten
wanting to win
all over again.
learning to trust
for to trust you must
it's love or bust
as we discussed.
hope springs alive
hold your nose and take a dive
don't know til you try
the only limit is the sky.
love is real
love is right
it should only be done
with all your might!
well i don't know how close i came to failing, but the best part is i passed the god forsaken test that has been giving me night terrors for the past year. strange how dejavu works. this time last year, i was going through many of the same things i am going through now: prepping for a test (then passing!), the ending of a relationship, figuring out where i was going to work and live. those are the big issues that usually put people over the edge. it's like my life decided to conspire against me. but i'm still in one piece. hopefully, i can find the other pieces to myself soon.
here's to one victory that will hopefully lead to many more. i have a follow up interview with a place i interviewed with back in august who told me to come back once i was licensed. i won't be technically licensed til i get my license # but in about 4 weeks time, i can hang out my own shingle.
you touch my heart
and send shivers down my spine
when you show me a love
that i know is only mine.
i feel intense joy
knowing i am loved
the truth is we do fit
like a hand and glove.
no one has accepted me
simply the way i am
even when i feel like a one
you make me feel like a ten.
what more could a girl ask for
i've got it all
in my tumultuous emo war
you've secured me within your wall.
when things are wrong
you make me feel just right
that's why i know
this is definitely worth the fight.