another movie i thoroughly enjoyed. ok, i'm a dog lover so i'd probably enjoy most dog movies. but this one tugged at my heart strings, big time. it's about peggy, whose beagle named Pencil dies at the beginning of the movie. right away, a tear jerker for me. then she goes on this quest to deal with the grief. first she adopts a german shepherd who is about to be put to sleep, except he's got behavior problems. then the guy she is interested in turns out to be "celibate." she becomes vegan and an animal rights activist for him. then after her german shepherd, valentine, is put down for killing another dog, she decides to go to the animal shelter and adopt all 15 of the dogs who are going to be euthanized that day. except the limit is 3 per household. her neighbor then calls Animal Control on her and one day she comes home to find her place empty. she goes crazy. she then gets fired because her boss found out she was writing out company checks to animal activist organizations illegally. at this point she's gone apeshit with saving all the animals in the world, constantly logging onto their websites, bringing her niece and nephew to a animal rescue farm to educate them. finally her boss takes pity on her and gives her her job back. but then she figures out her fate. she writes a farewell email to everyone in her life, and joins a travelling animal rights rally group. and the movie ends.
it's a touching and kinda sad movie which began with the death of Pencil her beagle. but i can honestly see myself going down that path should my little pooch kick the bucket prematurely. i've always had an animal rights activist within me and can see myself trying to save all the animals who are being tortured or abused. and it was nice to see molly shannon in a non-comedic role. i liked her the most in this movie. definitely a 2 thumbs up for me.
1 comment:
It wasn't her neighbor who called animal control. It was her friend, the one who had her second dog put down when it killed his other dog.
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