Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Have you hugged a pug today?

I am in love with my pug.

I woke up yesterday morningand found my pug nestled under my arm like a teddy bear. Her soft rhythmic purring in my ear. Her less than favorable smells. I don't know how she managed to get under there but she did, just like how she always manages to make me fall in love with her every time I look into her humongous bug eyes.

Hug a pug today. You'll be surprised at how much love you can feel for another living thing that isn't even bourne of your loins.


BuddingCook said...

is the pic up top a bb pic of your puggles?

mushroommeadows said...

hehehe I wish I had a pug to hug. :) Hug a Pug-Don't do Drugs. That could be a possible anti-drug slogan. :D

The Cretan Babaganoush said...

she was a few months younger. but she still looks the same. :)