Monday, October 27, 2008

i need a calorie discount, not a calorie count!

lately, looking at the nutrition facts for the things i've been putting into my mouth has been quite an eye-opener. i am far from being obsessed with counting calories, as that would be too much work and heartache, but i am definitely much more aware and thoughtful of what i actually eat or drink. some of the things i learned that don't sit well with me (or my weight for that matter), according to various calorie counter websites i found:
my weekly japanese green tea milk matcha without boba = approx 445 cal
flame broiler beef bowl = 435 cal
papa john's large slice of The Works pizza = 330 cal
outback's 12 oz. prime rib = approx 675 cal

i would be the last person to support depriving oneself of the things one enjoys eating. i have decided that the strategy to continue enjoying the things that make you happy when you put it into your mouth and tummy is curtailing your intake of calories for that day and exercising. if i do those two things, i can enjoy my fattening boba tea and eat the flame broiler delight guilt-free!

i need a calorie discount but at least i'm not calorie counting!

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